Recently, I received a letter from a friend, which stated that the most important message for mankind is the preaching of the approaching armaggedon (death, …
Are we preaching an ANTI gospel?

The Royal Family
Recently, I received a letter from a friend, which stated that the most important message for mankind is the preaching of the approaching armaggedon (death, …
Czy macie czasem ochotę obejrzeć coś, przy czym wreszcie możecie prawdziwie odpocząć? Coś, co przedstawia świat, w którym naprawdę chcielibyście żyć? Mam coś takiego! Moim …
Do you ever feel like watching something where you can finally truly relax? Something that represents the world you really want to live in? I …
Things are wrong with these people in this country. Relative security and commercial opportunities turned their heads. Where are my homies, for whom the most …
It was Friday too. There was an unprecedented silence in many schools that did not commemorate anything but was a symbol of solidarity with the …
Do not collect likes, do not open new deposits, do not worry about the climate change or what will be fashionable in the fall – …
Tylko Ty i ja –najmniejsza planeta w bezkresie.Mimo to, szepczesz mi na serce miłośći wlewasz ją oceanami.Teraz jestem jak niesamotna wyspapod ramion Twoich sklepieniami. – …
Jak obiecałam tak piszę – dziś będzie o dwóch książkach tej samej autorki – Tamery Alexander. Chociaż tego typu literatura jest mi raczej obca, zachęcona …